Deep down though, this didn't sit well with me. I'm mean yeah I was thrilled that we were riding in a bigger space again because the fence was finally moved out, but it was still a "safe zone". I was riding in a paddock she lived in, was in every day, knew well and was relaxed in. Of course she'd be alright to ride in there - if anything a little too cocky cos she knew where her tie up area was and enjoys stopping right by it. But overall, the bigger space wasn't really testing us. All the gates were shut, we had the same routine with every ride - it was becoming predictable.
In the weekend, I went to Oxford ODE with my good friend Sophie. It's always great to get out and watch the competitions around, and I enjoy being a spectator. However as I was watching, I began to feel a yearning. It's no secret I want to jump one day, and eventing at ridiculous, tiny heights is something I want to do way later down the track. But watching everyone riding around, in big open spaces, I became envious. I ride in enclosed areas because I have boundaries and I feel safe in them. I think its another reason why I like competition dressage - there is an arena, and it has a boundary fence all around. Sure a horse could leap out, but the reality is they generally stay within the markers. I felt the urge on Saturday to break free.
Now don't think I instantly went out into the big paddock to ride. I'm not that confident! But I tacked Honey up by my shed, and had all the gates open. After hopping up, I rode her from the shed, through her paddock, through the paddock resting beside hers, out the back gate to my back paddocks and into the side I fell off on. The walk there was interesting - Honey got confused as to where we were going, and then really excited as we went towards the back gate. I don't think I've ever had my heels down so far in my life, but I made SURE I was breathing evenly to allow for none of my nerves to come up.
We walked around for a bit and she calmed down, before doing the girth up another hole. This sadly made her a grumpy moo, and I know she gets worried things are going to hurt and pinch, but we checked to make sure she wasn't pinching and then walked around some more, but she decided she didn't want to be ridden anymore and dug her toes in a couple of times. Got her back to swinging through her back again and then asked her to trot and it was all forgotten about! She pretty much was racing around, she seemed really excited, even though she looked like a grumpy moo because she took me by surprise with how fast and fresh in the trot she was, and I took up my rein. Her downward transitions were TOTALLY bogus, so despite not really meant to be trotting for more than 5mins, I think we did a little more trying to sort out a decent transition down. In the end I got it, and by that stage the saddle had slipped, my leg was dead and we were both grinning from ear to ear! We walked back to the shed and was thrilled with our successful ride! I even got kisses from my never too openly affectionate pony!
I can't wait to ride again on Wednesday! I will be doing it out there again, but this time I'm bringing a walk & trot dressage test with me, its Training Level Test 0:1 so it's easy peasy but will it be for me and Honey? Haha, all I know is that we need to start doing things like this to prepare if we ever WANT to go places. I know she's not fit enough to even think of competition, I don't even see us going anywhere until next year, but the variety will mature her! And now that I've been out in places where there was opportunity for things to go wrong and it didn't, yeah my confidence has boosted a bit. Now to just sort some bad habits of mine and get out into bigger spaces, that are unfamiliar! Even at a walk ^_^
And to finish this off, here's some pics from the last two rides. I didn't post about our last ride before the recent one, but it went well, with some prepared trotting :) And the saddle is getting back further with each ride now, woohoo!
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