The reason? My friend Sophie. She came to me over her upcoming dressage test that she couldn't figure a couple of moves out. So I wrote it out, and when I went to ride Honey, I was asked by my friend Leslie who takes my photos, what a certain move was as I mentioned I'm going to help Soph with it. So, I went, let me show you what I remember from the test. I'd only looked at it once and remembered 80% of it, so that wasn't so bad. We did it all at the walk and it was Honey's first dressage test ever. Bless her she got a little confused, but I exaggerated everything so it wouldn't impact her shoulder on the circle work. We got from the start to the end with no troubles and I was so pleased! Honey seemed quite happy with herself too, she seemed to have a bounce in her step after all the praise I gave her.
Tomorrow I'm riding again and will hopefully be able to get a video of the dressage test. I'm going to take it out with us and do it correctly this time haha!
And to finish this blog off, here's some pics - all work was done on a loose rein and me using my legs - woohoo!
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